Socrative, a way to "engage the class using any device," is a website I have recently learned about in one of my classes this semester. A virtual way to assess students' knowledge on any particular topic, allows for an instructor to construct an assessment the class can take live, in class.
The assessments can be constructed in a multiple choice, true/false, and free-response format, so the possibilities are endless for assessing the students. During the actual testing process, the students have to sign in with a room number given to the instructor during the sign up process for the program (which is absolutely free!). The teacher can then choose between a student-paced test or a teacher-paced test. The student-paced test allows the students to move at their own pace and move through the questions as quickly as they wish, whereas the teacher-paced test stops the students after each question. The teacher-paced option can be especially good to check for understanding after each question has been answered by the students, in order to see what concepts the students still need to review.
Because the student response system allows for the students to use devices they are familiar with (i.e. a cell phone, laptop, or tablet) and use recreationally, this is a good way to show them that their device can be used for other, educationally rich activities. Also, because this is something I haven't seen done in many classes, I think it could be a way to get the students interested in the lesson, and interact with the material much more, since they are so comfortable with technology.
Not only can it be helpful and interesting to students; it can also be a great tool for teachers. "Socrative saves me 80 minutes per week in grading time," says Kristina Buenafe, a Boston Public High School Math Teacher. It's a great tool to save time while assessing the students and their knowledge on any material.